Sales management and CRM in Fusio

Get an overview of the business activities in the company.
Fusio helps you automate processes and streamline sales.

Database of business cases, activity records, reports and notifications, to-do list, charts and statistics. Customer care and CRM. And much more.

Fusio is a flexible system that adapts to your needs and processes. You can record exactly the agendas you need and in the way that suits you.

Example of a master list with business cases/clients and linked sublists in Fusio.

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years on the market
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Example of a form for entering a new business case into Fusio.

How does Fusio help you manage your business?

Seamless integration with the systems you use

Fusio is a flexible software that you can easily connect with your other tools.
So you can keep using them without worrying about their functionality.

And many more…

Microsoft Power BI integration

For data analysis and advanced data visualization, Fusio can be connected to Microsoft Power BI.
This integration allows you, for example, to process data coming from multiple sources (from Fusio + Excel spreadsheets, etc.), as well as in-depth data analysis, creation of reports or dashboards or implementation of an action plan, creation of forecasts and sharing information through other Microsoft applications.

Benefits of the sales management and CRM system in Fusio

Want to see how Fusio works?

We will guide you through the system, explain everything and set it up according to your requirements.

Want more information about Fusio or have a question?
Contact us and we'll show you how it works.

You design the system you need.
Unify and link multiple tools into one system.
We have more than 700 satisfied customers.
We've been helping to simplify work for 30 years.
Flexibility and fast implementation.

Přesvědčte se na vlastní oči

Všechna data na jednom místě, snížení nákladů i chybovosti. Ukážeme vám,  jak Fusio funguje – stačí, když nám zanecháte kontakt.