Electronic leave records in Fusio

Fusio will ensure electronic requests, approvals, clear records and leave planning so that, for example, there is no inappropriate overlap between employees.

Reports and notifications will take care of distributing the necessary information to your emails.

Fusio is a suitable replacement for Excel records or paper application forms.

Benefit from electronic leave requests, quick approval even from a mobile device, monitoring of important deadlines, regular reports, graphs and absence plans.
Fusio is flexible software that adapts to your needs and processes.
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How does Fusio help you record absences?

Example: recording holidays in Fusio

Using Fusio, workers can apply for leave electronically. Their request will be notified by a notification to their supervisor, who will approve or deny the leave in the system. If they forget to process the request by the required deadline, they will receive a report alerting them to pending leave requests. Every Monday, all employees of the company/department can be informed by a report about the current leave of their colleagues.

Graphical display of your and your colleagues’ leave status, or display of planned leave and other absences such as training, medical, business trip, etc.

Tip: 5 steps to record your holidays in Fusio

Benefits of Fusio's holiday record

Do you want to see how the Fusio Holiday Register works?

We will guide you through the system, explain everything and set it up according to your requirements.

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